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Everything posted by Ridenfool

  1. The trails in the bottom of the canyon on the South side of the main road are flowy riding and it is easy to ride what is comfortable then bail off to get back to camp. The trails that go up on the ridge on the Northish side of the main road will be more strenuous and technical, and don't offer as many places to bail out. Take plenty of water. You never know if you may have to share with a Touron grandparent who goes hiking with an 8 ounce bottle to share with all the grandkids they brought along. Happened to me once. Had to go find a park ranger to rescue them with a golf cart.
  2. That could work if you use the handle end of the shovel and put it in the spokes. 😈
  3. Can we get back to the thread derailment? Light Saber Vigil, May 4th Republic Square Park Alamo Drafthouse Rolling Roadshow
  4. Methinks the significance of the day the Wookie did pass was quite impressive. If they were to have had the memorial on May 4 it would have been a good day as a sendoff.
  5. Would this imply that the joke is really onus?
  6. You do realize how you could just keep them in an aquarium, converted to a terrarium?
  7. So, of all the snakes, Copperheads have been the ones that really know how to get your goat?
  8. DirtSurfer, as you have pointed out, the only way to ever know for certain is to get it in court. I actually have some experience doing just that when I couldn't get my questions answered. It took years and a lot of hassle just to have three trips to the circus result in the case being dismissed (presumably for absence of jurisdiction) and no record being created to actually address the original question. So, if you go down that road there is a lot to learn about the tricks that can be pulled in order to manipulate the procedure once you actually get the matter into a court of record. (what happens in City court, J.P. court and other administrative venues have no bearing on case law) For now, it is probably best to just be super-friendly and do the best you can to leave folks with a good impression. Every time I ride my bike I consider myself an ambassador for the sport and firmly believe that each interaction with other trail users is important enough to put my best foot forward.
  9. Troublemaker At least you didn't question him about yelling at people while he ran them off the path. Or, speculate that this was the bike he used.
  10. Because snakes are kinda like really big worms, I'm gonna come right out and say it. This is just another clear sign of the effects of Global Worming.
  11. Here's a good example of how misunderstandings arise. In the first bolded part you are referring to a specific person, AustinBike/AB. In the second bolded part the "He" would appear to most people to refer to person named in the preceding sentence. I think this was not your intention. Saying "... but from our point of view the rider that came at our friend was yelling" would make a clean break of it. AB is pretty diplomatic (he is Austin's defacto MTB ambassador to the world) and when he says he is "telling" people something I'd wager it is done respectfully. Also, his statement was not OneWheel specific, he likely tells mountain bikers about riding on muddy trails, or other things if he feels a positive outcome might come from his doing so.
  12. Dirt Surfer. The question was about a specific person on this forum, AustinBike, who is out of the country last I heard and probably wasn't the offending rider. Your responses seem to be claiming that this person, who many of us know, was the same person who ran your friend off the path. This matter of you seeming to be accusing a specific person who uses the name AustinBike on this forum and is sometimes referred to as AB is what the question was trying to clear up.
  13. It is how Dirt Surfer uses "he" and "you" when something like "that rider" or "trail users" and so on would better convey it as a general statement. Particularly when the statement follows one where a specific person was named. One of the shortcomings of posting in a forum is how our common speech methods don't transfer to text very well. It can be confusing and easily taken out of context and is worth taking the time to look for this when proof reading, prior to hitting the button to post it. I think that AB is saying basically the same as Dirt Surfer in regard to how any final decision will have to come from a court. Nobody at any level has the authority to dictate interpretation of these rules to any specific device. Even then, court decisions don't get downloaded into people's consciousness updates, so folks still won't know even after it has been defined more specifically in court.
  14. I've been following this thread and really didn't have any idea what a OneWheel was. So, I finally got curious enough to look it up. Now that I've found the site and seen the thing in action, those are freakin' cool! It is the skateboard I always wanted. I used to skateboard hi-rise parking lots 'cuz I could use the elevator to gain altitude. I guess I pioneered "I only ride park" as in parking lot, that is. I don't have any issue with a responsible rider using these on the trail. Just like bikes, it will be the rider who may be the problem, not the conveyance itself.
  15. There are those inexplicable aspects we encounter in our lives that beg recognition, perhaps even focused pontification upon the powers or properties involved. Allow me to begin with an example. I invite those similarly afflicted with curious queries to follow suit. The Dotted Line Some institutional toilet tissue manufacturers appear to have mastered manipulation of physical properties that defy my understanding of physics. These rolls in question consist, as expected, of individual sheets. There are perforations between each sheet to (presumably) allow them to be cleanly separated at the perforation when pulled apart. Yet, somehow there are rolls being distributed and put into use which appear to consistently be stronger at the perforations than at any other place on the sheet, resulting in tears never occurring at the perforation. Now, I have accumulated years of experience testing for this phenomena and can unashamedly boast when I say that I really know this shit. What would be the nature of the physics behind this? Once the secret is discovered, could it somehow be employed in the manufacture of carbon components? Could they be made stronger by use of perforated sheets of carbon fiber that share these unique physical properties? The truth is out there.
  16. I've most often seen snakes on night rides. Coral, Copperhead, Hognose, Moccasin, and various green and striped flavors in the daylight on occasion. Rarely more than two or three a year. We also have one on the payroll at home doing pest control that lives in the yard and under the house. A rat snake the missus calls Jelly Roll.
  17. I think it might mean it can hold itself balanced without outside forces acting upon it. Or, possibly even despite outside forces acting upon it. Which comes full circle to the big question, "Why can't bicycles stand up by themselves?" Because, they're two tired.
  18. Think of it more like the Pirate Code. that is, "guidelines" more than rules. There are always exceptions. Your observation may only mean that you are exceptional!
  19. My smart watch tells me that I maxed at 135 bpm and averaged 128 over 12 miles yesterday while averaging 7 mph. As fer as I can recollect, this average speed at Rocky Hill hasn't changed for me up or down much more than a half a MPH over a span of a couple of decades. This heart chart indicates this reading is toward the top of the healthy range for "moderate" activity for my age, or, at the lower end of the "vigorous" activity range. Either way I'm pretty good about pacing myself and taking a break rather than pushing harder. Mostly, I just like to ride, and I've got nothing to prove that doing anything differently could bring me. Had it not been for this thread I'd likely not thought to look up the numbers. It is good to know I seem to be in the healthy zone.
  20. Um, er, shouldn't it be no "mechanized" vehicles if we want to follow the verbiage that has be employed so successfully in the past ... 😏 Kidding, just kidding ... which BTW now ties yet another thread to the subject of goats.
  21. Some purdy flowers on Dragonfly in Bastrop. It is rather peculiar how so many of the plants grew name tags out there.
  22. I did the same today, for the same reasons, only not at Walnut. Got in a double header with the Colorado River Refuge trails in Bastrop, followed by a jaunt at Rocky Hill, which was at near perfect soil consistency.. Looking forward to the next scheduled date for Dawn's birthday celebration.
  23. I get that too. Usually I'll just ask for help folding my lung up and getting it back inside. I've started carrying nitrile gloves for those folks who offer a hand and don't simply speed away.
  24. Bike is in the van and I'm taking the afternoon off. I'll be watching reports here to decide whether to wander in the direction of ATX mid-afternoon. If Walnut gets sloppy I'll just hit Rocky Hill on the way home.
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