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Everything posted by Ridenfool

  1. Network problems at work that I've been battling for some time now will most likely have me working on Cranksgiving Day as the long weekend lends itself to giving me a wide window of opportunity to bring systems down without interrupting everybody else during a workday. Because of this I haven't been able to throw my hat in the ring for volunteering or attending this year. It will be a last minute thing if I make it at all.
  2. Will there be any goats or fish tanks in the raffle?
  3. You glue the clips on. Then the flats can scrape them off. If you screwed the clips on it would just make riding flats awkward and might cause irreparable damage to your sole.
  4. I tried to explain to the guy ringing me up at the Lamar location as to how the personal info they ask for was sold and used for marketing purposes. The guy promised it was not. ha ha Ended up giving something like Mikey Mouse as the name, and provided my work email address. Soon after, I printed and brought the various pieces of spam in to show him, along with the Performance "Privacy" Policy that clearly stated that they would indeed share the information. He was quite surprised, or seemed to be anyway. I tend to pay cash at retail stores, or at least decline to provide zip, name, phone, etc. info at their request. If they insist I'll suggest they use the store's address.
  5. Just spray it with bed liner, then nothing will hurt it.
  6. The old one will have an ID, OD, and thickness. Go to any bearing shop and they should be able to match it and the seal if there is one. There's one on Airport Blvd, if memory serves. Capitol Bearing or something like that. Then, grease the hell out of it with a waterproof grease, particularly in the places water may encroach. You can probably clean it up, re-lube it and get back to quasi-functional for the weekend if you can't get a bearing until Monday. That blue part can be pried out with a thin knife blade or pick to get to the bearings. Was that your bike they were using in that Asian board ride event in the recently posted video?
  7. Duh , just need to hang one on each side to balance things out. Be sure to avoid tying the rope too tight if hanging from a carbon bar.
  8. Shouldn't they be looking for applicants with a non-criminal background? Though I suppose that clean criminals deserve a chance to make it in the honest world, why go looking for them specifically as potential employees? If they are hiring them to deliver pizza at least they are looking for those criminals with good hygiene, and the ability to ride that E-bike like they stole it.
  9. AB, once again, it's all your fault. I've booked a vrbo two blocks off Slaughter Pen for Christmas week. Ho ho ho. Now just hoping nobody in Bentonville gets a new bike from Santa, and causes NW Arkansas to get hit with a blizzard. Not much of a chance for that to happen, is there?
  10. I've always thought of it as the red dirt is always under the white clouds.
  11. Maybe they could be used as trail decoration somewhere ... after a Shinerider modification procedure is performed.
  12. What is this "original topic" thingy you allude to, and when has such a wildly imaginative idea ever had any bearing on subsequent posts?
  13. PSA - Paul Uhl is looking for volunteers for this year's event at Rocky Hill Ranch on December 15, 2018. There is promise of free craft beer, a commemorative vessel for containing said beverage, and trail access for volunteers. Paul can be reached via his website's contact page, HERE. I'd be all over this offer, but have plans taking me out of town that weekend.
  14. I've never lost a water bottle (due to it being securely strapped to my body with a handy tube to dispense the contents), though I've found plenty of them on trails everywhere. Because of this it has always been my presumption that anyone choosing to mount a water bottle on a mountain bike has written it off as expendable from the get-go.
  15. Your Texas flag is upside down ...
  16. If you wanted to throw something off Mansfield Dam (on the lake side) as a sacrifice to the trail/rain/weather gods, that might be just the ticket.
  17. Haven't seen him on a Penny Farthing ... yet
  18. I doubt that any "business as usual" frame breakage will have much pull with the rain gods putting a damper on the dampening. Now, if someone who has never broken a frame did so, that might count for something.
  19. The high 20s are a couple of days away on Dark Sky. I was most impressed with the <1" Snow forecast for Wednesday morning.
  20. This line of thought has hatched an idea based upon the contrary nature of our friend (fiend?), Murphy. Think about it, buy a bike, it rains. Go to fly a kite the wind dies down. However, if you bring a Frisbee, with the kite you can play until the wind picks up and then the kite can be flown. Create the contrary conundrum cancellation condition (CCCC) and it guides Murphy, to some extent. The first idea to mind was for each of us to set a bucket outside with the heartfelt expectation of it being filled by rain for some purpose important to us. As a passing thought that initially seemed it might work, but then I realized that Murphy would only breed mosquitoes in it. What has to happen is for someone to install an elaborate and expensive Rainwater Collection System.
  21. Come mid December I'm going to check out the Lubbock trails. Its bound to be dry up there. (friend graduating from TTech)
  22. For clarification, would the bike to be sacrificed be tossed on the wet side or the dry side of the dam?
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