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Everything posted by taco_junkie

  1. So many hikers and new mountain bikers are finding the trails behind the veloway where the VCT ends. It's madness out there but in a good way. Pro tip: Inside Passage and Love Roller Coaster have a fraction of the traffic that Bunny Gravel and Rattlesnake have and have become my go to trails for moving through the area. E Spank is a good bypass too but I'm seeing a lot of people going both ways on that trail lately. For good reason it's a dope trail but be careful for people coming downhill. Speaking of both ways: This weekend some guy was stopped at the top of E Spank for a snake then started chatting and eventually hiked up his shorts to show me his thigh. Allegedly to show me some injury but... I only stuck around for another 10-15 minutes before getting out of there.
  2. Oh shoot. Was it like this one? It's never failed me before and it's lasted forever maybe 20 years? I'm curious if there was a super race of Blackburn pumps out there that have been working for decades. I started carrying CO2 as a backup and despite never using any for myself I've given away a lot of cartridges. #worthit But back to hand pumps... I've picked up a few extras over the years: winning, seeing something flashy in the bike store, spending an REI dividend on shit you don't need. The regular way bike stuff piles up in the garage... But this one has always been my favorite. It always gets the job done quickly without any service or lube over the years. Oh now I've typed long enough to see the long arc of verbosity bend towards the NSFW meaning of things. I'll stop. RIP Blackburn pump 😞
  3. I went up there yesterday afternoon and they were still working so I went back again this morning and it's open. Northbound on to Mopac from La Crosse was closed for some reason this morning. Not that I need to drive anywhere anymore.
  4. I'd be surprised if it actually opens today but I haven't been up there in 4-5 days. I've seen people walking behind the sound wall towards the Veloway on the east side of mopac. There's a lot of room there and a lot of loose construction dirt.
  5. That was funny. Funny sad anyway. Was looking forward to the season as well. AvE has bike content? If you like AvE check out This Old Tony too.
  6. On the bright side, not eating out for lunch every day at work means I'll have saved up enough money for a new bike by the time all this is over with.
  7. So many people out there lately. I saw a kid trailer going over a rock garden a la Danny MacAskill the other day. It's kind of awesome to see all my neighbors out on the trails but after the paved section of the VCT ends it get's a bit crowded.
  8. I wanted to add to say that we should not assume that the runner or rider that doesn't hear us is an asshole either. They could have full or partial hearing loss so keep that in mind. Stay friendly and be good people.
  9. Wow. I've been busy and missed this post because there is a lot going on here. 1) LH Milk Stout is one of my favorites and didn't know they had a PB version. Amazing! 2) The pineapple...
  10. Trail runners are great and I see a ton more of them now that the VCT comes farther down here. Families stopped in the middle of a fast trail on a blind corner, off leash dogs, and the oblivious headphone users are the main concerns. I'll say this though: If I pull over to let you pass, just pass me. Sometimes it's better for me to let you by. Like when people "pull over" to stand on my preferred line. I usually stop and make a joke about needing a break anyway so they keep going but really I'm looking at that sick B line they are standing on.
  11. Oh totally agree. It is Canadian as hell and all about that smooth vibe. It does go a little soft with ice true.
  12. Heh I did this last year. 4 tons of Coax (lol) and Cat5 terminated as POTS. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ No existing outlet which I thought was strange but I found loose end of live Romex hanging out nearby tucked away in my wall. Scary but at least I didn't have to pull anything new.
  13. Hi, my name is taco_junkie and it's been 6 months since I last Zwifted. I was using a laptop on a table in front of the bike. I had no idea you could cast from a phone to a TV. I have an wall mounted TV not far from where my current setup is. Thanks to yall I might have to try it again soon.
  14. 🤬 That was one of my last white whales in SATN.
  15. Oh man I've never wanted to want another amp more than now. Wife would kill me though.
  16. Ooh interesting. Hows the track pad work? I prop my laptop up in front of my bike with 2 big fans.
  17. Going to the park down the street. Me: Want to take bikes? My Girls: Scooters! Me: <dies inside>
  18. I was adding more and more padding to my gloves trying to fix numbness and hand cramps. Didn't realize I was going the wrong way for a couple of uncomfortable years.
  19. I was there all day. I got there early to lend a hand with whatever I could. I only saw Mack, Jackie and Andy set out for the social. I got there just after 8 and those were the only people I saw actually start but there might have been more start on time. I did the scavenger hunt with some of the C&D crew. I got to eat a gas station hot dog worth a whopping one bonus point that is still causing me trouble. The employee there said they'd already sold 9 that day. All to mountain bikers. We asked how many hot dogs they normally sell and he shook his head and said none. We didn't podium this year but I got to hang out all day and topped it off with a lrunk dap around north and south bank just as the sun was setting. We should have had lights by then but that made it even more fun. Pretty much perfect weather and conditions. I was there for over 10 hours.
  20. Peeing will keep you warmer. An empty bladder is easier to keep warm. Stuff I learned tonight! #themoreyouknow
  21. Death by coconut! I have to go find that. Was it at HEB or somewhere easy?
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