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Everything posted by Shinerider

  1. Nighttime riding is awesome. And, one can buy a set of lights that are powerful enough pretty darn cheap thru Amazon (~$20) without going full hog on a namebrand. That way, they can try it out and verify it is something they will enjoy.-
  2. Holey shit. While it isn't a surprise when online bike places are closing, brick and mortar's will always have it tough.
  3. Now why would somebody take a picture of their bike to sell with the back wheel not installed? https://austin.craigslist.org/bik/d/bike/6750386000.html
  4. I'll still ride a POS cruiser around Brushy for some heavy metal bike destruction!
  5. Gotcha beat. Discovered this while riding my SS on Lakeway trails. Was wondering why it was occasionally jumping while climbing. Heavy metal deformation.
  6. Well shit, now I have a weekend project!
  7. Take a more recent picture! A little more going on now!. And that is my Pivot 429, so this is several months old!
  8. Hell, the 16" remote controlled one is much better - and cheaper. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078N3G2SM/ref=sspa_dk_detail_1?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B078N3G2SM&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=f52e26da-1287-4616-824b-efc564ff75a4&pf_rd_r=BHSWKP4SRWZ5S95MPGR2&pd_rd_wg=valWc&pf_rd_s=desktop-dp-sims&pf_rd_t=40701&pd_rd_w=6kxIC&pf_rd_i=desktop-dp-sims&pd_rd_r=50b6aa73-dbb2-11e8-b028-496c6038b17f
  9. What 'da fuk? "originally purchased from REI" ? https://austin.craigslist.org/wan/d/mongoose-mens-bike-from-rei/6730250127.html
  10. I don't believe that nut is correct. Meaning it should not be there at all.
  11. I know of at least one who makes some decent money doing just that. So - is there a way to hide all ads from a specific user vs having to hide each ad?
  12. Ummm. I think someone is confused on what constitutes Fixed gear SS bike https://austin.craigslist.org/bik/d/vilano-fix-gear-single-speed/6708954446.html I see lots of gears, shifters, deraillers, etc.
  13. I'm in. I can stop by here in about 1.5 hours. I "think" I remember where you live.
  14. Hehhehehe. "Mahogany". Almost as much fun to say as "moist".
  15. Gonna ride like shit with that stick in place of the rear shock, and the seat is pretty minimalist, but whatever floats your boat.
  16. Hey Brian Sloan - how does this tweak your font-o-nazi inner voice
  17. Just wondering if you are worried about your phone taking a beating from impacts. If it's on my body - it is 90% dampened on impacts.
  18. "rides a little twichy!" https://us.letgo.com/en/i/blue-and-white-full-suspension-bike_402299b0-f240-4745-bf50-175215c0f1c2
  19. And don't forget being able to take a train/metro where you need to go.
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