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Everything posted by TAF

  1. You KNOW we are counting! Will this thread become the bike rack version of the Matrix thread?
  2. I still have the original Thor's Hammer of racks - a Thule T2 with two-bike add-on. It weighs in at a modest 300 pounds, and is a thing of great beauty. It's more-or-less permanently on loan - I think Seth even borrowed it once, and couldn't break it.
  3. I've a pair of new Hans Dampf I probably won't use, since I switched to Rekons on the singlespeed.
  4. Well, now you're just being silly. I bought a 1Up because several friends had em, and it's obvious from the get-go that they are extremely well made. Plus, I was easily able to borrow one and determine that it folds up into a very compact size, and tucks into the corner of the trunk of an X3 - a big selling point for me. I've never seen an ad for a 1Up or a Raxtor, but I will say that you can tell a 1Up folds up small just by looking at the home page of their website. Raxtor - you can't tell from the website. Both the X3 and the 1Up were at R&I this past week - along with a bunch of other 1Ups -- you should show up more often, so that we can behold the mighty Raxtor!
  5. Similar, perhaps - but not the same. I’m happy to pay the extra 27%.
  6. I'm a fan of anything which has no plastic parts, especially in the Texas heat. We've had a 2" 1Up with add-on rack for a few years now, and I recently found, buried away in their website, a $99 add-on rack hitch mount. So now I have two 1Up racks, one for each vehicle. https://www.1up-usa.com/product/add-on-hitch-adapter/
  7. I still have this twit blocked - doesn’t look like I am missing much.
  8. I use Chris Murray at Elevation Wheel Company in Colorado Springs. Beside building fine wheels, he guarantees everything for life (unless your name is Seth). Hit me up if you want to use him - I'll get you a discount.
  9. Bummer, man - the EB always manages to get sandwiched in between ACL Fest (the entrance to Zilker gets closed off) and the end of Daylight Savings Time.
  10. Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 19. That shall be the Enchilada Buffet. There has been some recent discussion as to the route - let it be known that the Elders have conferred, and have dictated that the current route is THE route. Perhaps in the future, the route shall be added to, but the EB shall be the EB, and the route shall never be lessened. So get used to some Thumper pre-rides with Cody, people. The week following The Enchilada Buffet is the Real Ale Ride, and the week following that Austin is hosting Singlespeed USA - so if the weather decides to fuck us over, the EB will be rain dated to January. That is all.
  11. You should be happy Bartman is not on this thing - pretty sure he'd be going on about toy guns and your ma's lady parts at this point!
  12. I'm not hating on him in the slightest - I thought he might be interested to know that there's a biathlon event already out there, in case he wanted to join in, but he seemed to take my post the wrong way (I'm guessing I'm the 'closed minded' participant). Nonetheless, I wish him luck with his venture, just as I wish you good luck with yours.
  13. Vs closed-minded participants?
  14. No, it’s because it’s the easiest trail in town, and experienced riders chit chat and get all complacent ... and then wham.
  15. So no payouts in the Beginner category? Does $65 get me beer? I figure someone has to ask ...
  16. He’s out, but I believe he was due to be deported — if Bart didn’t hunt him down first.
  17. This sounds a lot more exciting than R&I, where real cops tend to ignore the beer swilling going on.
  18. The feed I get (NBC Gold) is the two Aussie fellers - they're not terribly interesting, and I usually tune them out. Here's a fascinating read on the technology and logistics behind TdF broadcasting: https://www.velonews.com/2019/07/from-the-mag/inside-nbcs-tour-de-france-television-broadcast_495538
  19. I was going to add a nice map -- can you do that in Power BI? [Thread hijacked]
  20. A $ per month replacement cost in breakages might be an interesting comparison. Somebody run some numbers -- I'll drop em into Tableau!
  21. I got to thinking about the Austin bike polo scene, and I remember now, there was a young fellow who had a blog called Thy Neighbor's Bike, who was a bike polo guy. He got called out on Mojo for mocking riders who wore helmets and pads. A couple of weeks later, he showed up at Walnut just as a large group was setting off. Sans helmet, he shot past everyone by overtaking along that fenceline by the maintenance shed, turned to cross the creek - not the well-armored crossing of today - caught his front wheel and super-manned over the bars in spectacular fashion, splash landing face first in the creek. I reckon you could hear the laughter a couple of zip codes away. Come back, Thy Neighbor - we still wear helmets!
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