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Everything posted by notyal

  1. Would either of you fit on this bike? https://austin.craigslist.org/bik/d/san-marcos-salsa-big-mama-2010/7371850851.html
  2. Riding muddy trails damages the trail. Riding an e-bike on a trail that allows other bikes doesn't really cause any more damage than a pedal bike. I'd say a better analogy is riding an e-bike on a trail that does not allow e-bikes is like riding at night in a park that doesn't allow visitors at night. They still know the rules but don't care because they are selfish, it is all about them. However, they didn't hurt anybody, the trail, or any property. That is until they get caught breaking the rules (fair or unfair), and the powers that be restrict all two wheeled access.
  3. Getting an accurate gauge was a game changer for me too.
  4. You can say this about pretty much any upgrade to a bike. That's why on topics like these, I always encourage spending as much as you can on a complete bike vs. buying something and upgrading later. Buy once, cry once. Oh, and keep in mind that the value of your upgrades never translate equally to the next guy when it's time to sell.
  5. If you're ok shopping around for a used bike, I'd say at least $2k. Anything under that is probably either pretty old, pretty beat up, or started life too cheap. Any additional funds will only help. New I'd say at least $3500. For reference, the cheapest YT Izzo is $3400. I just picked that bike because they are a direct to consumer company that has a good bang for the buck reputation. You probably won't find anything too much cheaper with that level of componentry. I haven't really been in the market lately. There are probably people on here that have more of a finger on the pulse.
  6. What's your budget? An entry level full suspension is going to have similar pitfalls as your entry level hardtail. On the other hand, even just a mid-tier full suspension will likely blow your mind. If you can't afford/justify spending the money for a total upgrade, keep riding the hardtail until the time is right.
  7. Agreed. Not everything has to be turned into a pissing contest.
  8. Tuck it and tape it. Where else would the worlds of drag queens and space monkeys collide?
  9. You're putting too much faith in the tail gasket for my liking. One fart could depressurize the suit and end the monkey.
  10. Who's kind of scene is it? This place is pretty close to home and on my list of breweries to try. Are there too many astronaut monkeys? Is it because you couldn't get over the fact that the spacesuit would be useless with the monkey's tail exposed?
  11. That looks like a perfect way to celebrate your last day in New Mexico. Safe travels home, amigo.
  12. Poor kid. Mask or not. Political statement or not. That 2nd grader doesn't give a shit, but I bet she would have an opinion about her mom and dad to causing a big scene while dropping her off on the first day of school.
  13. You'll have to meter that situation.
  14. I heard (from my dog) that this has a nice meaty chew. Seriously though, why do we give dogs a monthly pill that repeals annoying at the least and potentially deadly insect bites, but we humans spray ourselves with DEET every day?
  15. I heard (from my dog) that this has a nice meaty chew. Seriously though, why do we give dogs a monthly pill that repeals annoying at the least and potentially deadly insect bites, but we humans spray ourselves with DEET every day?
  16. The Yellow Garden spider is also known as the Banana spider. This means that we can call the rope-like stabilimentum section of the web a "banana hammock".
  17. This one is embarrassing. That's me in the middle sporting an extra chin and posing with my first "mountain bike", a Specy Hardrock. Taken somewhere around 2006 in Lubbock after riding trails that in hindsight were definitely too muddy and thinking how cool our bikes looked caked in mud.
  18. Yeah, I think this guy's name is Jeremy and he's been at it for years. I've never bought anything from him, but for a while, there was another guy who kept post stuff like "Hey Jeremy, quit shit posting 20 bikes every day" and telling him to at least post in the dealer section. Apparently, he didn't listen. Also funny, most of his post say "Without a doubt, this is the PERFECT bike for Austin!" If you're selling 20 different bikes ranging from entry level hardtail to full DH race sled, they can't all be "Without a doubt, this is the PERFECT bike for Austin!"
  19. Took me a while on that perspective too. I thought at first he had some weird rigid lefty fork.
  20. I'm confused. Did I miss something? Does someone need to go check on TheX?
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