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Everything posted by AntonioGG

  1. Pedals are for wussies! http://www.photo-museum.org/velocipede-invention-niepce/
  2. AntonioGG


    I went through 40 pages before I figured I could click "people I'm following" LOL! The fastest person I follow is Adam Leedy with a 5:20 I think for me to get to the 5's I would need to get back to my 2011 numbers (weight and power).
  3. AntonioGG


    You know how you watch those guys go up the climbs in their big ring...but it's hard to gauge how fast they're really going? I just set my fastest time up Far West where Lawson Craddock has the KOM. I'm slightly slower: /s My whole ride with a bunch of flat stuff didn't average 15.8mph!!
  4. Heat index "feels like" is an extreme over-simplification. To me the heat index tells me how well my body will cool itself. If you have a power meter, you'll see heat index correlates better with power in a 10 minute output as opposed to just pure temperature.
  5. I agree it wasn't that bad but the consequences were falling (front tire slip at the bottom) in nasty dog shit water. Usually I'd ride it if the landing was dry, not if it was wet.
  6. Stop looking at medical stuff. Just be ready for PT and watch this over and over, and have it in your head when you're doing your PT (I always do):
  7. I think the overly conservative service interval Fox recommends could be used against them too. They should give us a realistic service interval for: clean conditions, muddy condditions, dusty conditions. How about with lizard skins covers? Cars do that. I think even lawmowers do that.
  8. I had to replace my CSU on my Talas due to the Kashima coating being worn. $200 for the part. It cost me $400 for Fox to do it for the full service including new CSU. My biggest problem was not the stretching of the maintenance interval, but rather not wiping after every ride with that fine dust we have here. Does Fox still specify 25 hours? That's a ridiculously low amount of time IMO (that's anywhere from 1-2 weeks for those that ride a lot). I probably do more like 100-200 hour service intervals. I clean-up and re-use the foam rings once. Now that I wipe things down more often I'm seeing less wear.
  9. It's totally not weird to me. As long as you have water to drink, riding in those conditions is way more benign than riding in 80°F and 85% RH.
  10. OK so not a fruit at all, and since we have oaks, this seems to fit. http://isatexas.com/tree_pests/eastern-speckled-oak-gall/
  11. Uh, no. My dog had it in his mouth so I wanted to check to see if it’s toxic.
  12. AntonioGG


    Best one in years! Love the guys racing all out to win instead of managing. They should increase time bonuses and shorten the stages.
  13. The juice is bright red but the flesh is brown and the seed cut apart.
  14. I'll try to cut it and post the inside. I used to have a grape vine in my backyard but no longer. The shell is semi-hard, and it seems lighter than you'd think for the size.
  15. It has a juicy purplish reddish inside.
  16. Yes! As a hardware developer, the computer is just a tool to me. I want to spend as little time fuddling with it as possible. I geek out on bikes, not computers.
  17. I also remember one winter while I was at UT, going up for Christmas on a Greyhound (I'd ride Greyhound to Chicago, then grab the train to GR). It was so cold that the first few bags the baggage handlers tried to remove from under the bus by the handled, ripped apart because the plastic was so brittle from the cold...like the high school nitrogen experiment. The cabbie was drinking out of a flask, and on the return trip to GR, the train doors were frozen shut from all the kicked up snow/ice and we had to wait 45 minutes to be pick-axed out.
  18. Born in Rochester, NY. My thermostat has also definitely changed! At some point I wanted to move back north at some point in my life, but one Christmas at my parents in Grand Rapids, MI with 4ft of snow in 24 hours and my parents' snowblower broke cured me of that desire. Yeah, people here break out the coats and Ug (sp?) boots if it gets below 70. OTOH, I remember people in MI breaking out the shorts and flip flops as soon as it got sunny and above 50°F.
  19. Damn you! I hate that song...that and every Maroon5 song there is. ...kids...
  20. They now need a "youdontevenneedtobringatrailer.com" alternative to https://bringatrailer.com
  21. I run VM Fusion only as a last resort for Cadence Allegro or MS Visio...or for when people embed documents into Office documents because MS refuses to make Mac and PC versions of office the same. For a lot of stuff I do MS remote desktop to a VM or PC (works really well). For everything else I use the Mac OS. I love the Mac because it's like a native Linux machine with a nice easy to use OS. I find it hard to go back to non-Retina screens and non-Mac touchpads (I don't use a mouse, I use the touchpad for everything). The worst part about the Mac is the MS Office 365 crap we're now forced to use. That and Adobe Acrobat. FU Adobe for making the single most crashing SW I've ever used. /rant
  22. There are several real video options for smart trainers on top of the other apps like Zwift. https://ergvideo.com Trainerroad is not just a way to do rides on your trainer, it includes training programs. I think of Trainerroad like coaching+app. BSS Parmer and Research (and I know Lamar does too) has Kickr demo units with Zwift she can try.
  23. +1 on all counts except substitute Kickr specific info with Hammer which is what I have. We also have a SportsArt recumbent trainer, gym quality (picked up on craigslist for $200, replaced two struts for the remote seat adjustment). I like that better than standard trainer seats (absolutely hate them). The Peloton thing... my sister has one, a coworker's wife wanted one (he also said almost the exact same thing as Tree Magnet when we tried to persuade him to go for a smart trainer.)
  24. Great show. I knew it was a bad event, had no idea it was end-of-the-world potentially bad. Did you pull the trigger on a laptop? Also, what software were you thinking about for editing? I did a lot of video editing years ago on a desktop PC with Pinnacle Studio (fairly cheap). The editing is fine on almost any computer, the rendering for web viewing is what took a lot of resources/time.
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