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Everything posted by AntonioGG

  1. Dedicated graphics memory means it is separate from the RAM (on cheaper laptops, video RAM is shared with the regular RAM). For what you want it for, go a step or two down from the latest iCore to save a lot of money. DDR3 or DDR4 is fine but I think DDR4 is the sweet spot for pricing now. Yes, $500 is probably a good starting point for all you need. I forgot to recommend Lenovo. Seems to be fairly well liked at work. This one checks all the boxes. https://www.amazon.com/Lenovo-130-Computer-802-11ac-Bluetooth/dp/B07RGJXVNB/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=laptop&qid=1563341315&refinements=p_72%3A2661618011%2Cp_n_feature_five_browse-bin%3A13580790011|13580791011%2Cp_n_graphics_type_browse-bin%3A14292273011%2Cp_n_size_browse-bin%3A2423841011%2Cp_36%3A-60000&rnid=386442011&s=pc&sr=1-5
  2. I've followed someone at the SATN a few times but I could never repeat that same loop. However, I just went down there with plenty of fluids and food and explored, and now I can find my way around more or less. I have pretty good navigation sense if I look at a map before hand so that limits how many times I have to stop to look at my phone. I have a camera you can have with all the accessories you can have. It's GoPro knock-off. I don't know why I bought it (I also have an original Gopro which I never used).
  3. You can get more bang for the buck buying off-lease. I just bought a 2015 27" iMac 5k Retina from gainsaver.com for home and it's awesome. I'd recommend a mid 2015 Macbook Pro but not the 2017 or 2018 (I hate my 2018 MBP, miss my mid 2015 MBP). I wouldn't get anything less than 16GB memory. For video and photo editing, I think you probably want dedicated graphics memory. For Windows brands, I can recommend Acer and do not recommend HP based on my experience.
  4. There's a pre-owned Yeti SB95 "enduro build" at BSS Research listed at $1399.
  5. I love Sheldon Brown, but I also have some French blood in me, and speak some French. Maybe I'll get used to it some time (it's like being a Spanish speaker and getting used to saying Guadaloop instead of its proper pronunciation).
  6. I'd think the cassette has more impact on shifting crispness than the derraileur. (sorry, tried spelling derailer and doesn't feel right to me)
  7. I'm OK with alternate lines and purposefully designed mellow trails, but when people modify the trail in such a way that it alternates some of the challenges, I don't think that's right. I don't claim to ride everything technical out there really, but I try some of them at least some of the time and when it's now gone, now I can't try it. I just get off my bike and practice my Cx dismounts and mounts if I don't feel like riding an obstacle. This is Austin and I've been riding here since 1991. I can't think of any trail (original in any case) that doesn't have a section that a beginner or mellow rider would not want to dismount the first few times. What's the big deal with getting off your bike?
  8. At least it's not a wiping hand injury. Wiping with the wrong hand, it's so awkward! (Try it).
  9. My kids were going down those trails when they were at LME. They did a bunch of conservancy type stuff. At least someone is using them. BTW, one of their teachers had told them that he saw a cougar in one of the game cameras he setup, but when I asked him directly, he denied it.
  10. One of my rides last week had a mission of blindly finding as many breweries as I could. Sadly it was during lunch in the workweek so I couldn't partake. I knew where AB, OB and Adelberts are, but I didn't know where 4th tap was...and now I know. That area seems perfect for a taproom-crawl.
  11. I've ridden those trails once (UBCGB and part of SVTUV). They're a bit short but I've never tied them together with St. Ed's. Mostly I run on them or used to take the dogs for a walk on them. I've never gone out to Topridge though, I go to the dam/spillway with the big rock blocks and turn back. I've also never taken the exit at CVMS either, but I see on the map that it does. Have you ridden down or up to Talleyran Park? I have never gotten the nerve to ride down those chainring-killer steps. It's also frequently muddy. Where was DK Ranch? Was that at the Laurel Mountain ES bus circle? I've heard about some trail in the past back there.
  12. I second this remark. Also, have someone take your credit card away while on the meds!
  13. I wish I’d thought about that! I did resort to the can in my pocket when I broke my ankle, but this looks better! have you upgraded your crutch tips? The stock ones are scary in wet surfaces. Just because you’re not riding doesn’t mean you can’t be upgrading stuff!
  14. I love those CBs! I've wanted to get a CB350F just to work on it, then sell it. My HS buddy's dad used to do that for fun and actually made money buying and restoring old off-road bikes then selling them.
  15. Same. I thought a jaguarundi was similar to a jackelope. About 20 years ago I stopped at an old gas station somewhere between Dallas and Austin that had one hanging from the wall. I went inside to pay and a lady was ahead of me. She was very interested. When she started asking questions, the guy behind the counter gave me the "shhh, don't say anything" look. When she asked if they hopped or ran, and the guy replied "a little of both" it was all I could do to hold it in.
  16. We have coyotes where I live (NW Balcones). I've seen them at St. Ed's and on the trail close to my house (from Talleyran Park to Old Lampasas). I've seen a deer hoof on mornings after hearing coyotes doing their thing at night. I guessed it was the coyotes. I've never seen a large cat, but I know there are some. At the dead-end of Old Lampasas, I was walking my dogs once when I heard a deep growl. That dead end stops at the BCP.
  17. Nearest station I could find says it got 0.51"
  18. No, it happened while I was dismounting a racecar tire off the rim. I just grabbed the tire iron and was about to place it when it popped. Very little force and no external strain. It was gonna pop. IIRC doc said there are 3 types of acromions (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acromion) and I have the type that tends to do this. He mentioned painters, basketball players and Porsche mechanics tend to find out on their own they have the wrong type (overhead work + wrong type of acromion = popped proximal bicep tendon). I am none of those so I blame head sliding back into first during a softball game a few weeks prior and just treating it with ibuprofen until the pain went away. I recommend going to sports doc and let him know you're active and you want to remain active so they go with the most aggressive treatment. The first doc I went to was "meh, it was gonna happen" and left it at that (I was only about 35 back then, but I hear the older you are, the less aggressive non-sports orthos will treat the problem.) I'm not afraid of pain or physical therapy so I like the aggressive treatment to get me back to 100% ASAP.
  19. I think 512 IPA is my favorite IPA, or was until the PHP Electric Jellyfish. I'll drink 1-2 IPAs but for some reason the taste starts being a bit too overbearing after that. Regarding small drink refrigerators, we're doing a remodel and there is the opportunity to put one of these in. I'll have about 19" width and about 39" in height. It will be fully enclosed in a cabinet, so I will need one that can handle front airflow only. The search results are a bit overwhelming. I had no idea there were too many choices. I need the ability for cans and bottles, both standing (beers) and laying down (wines).
  20. My insurance doesn't require a referral so I go straight to Austin Sports Medicine. I start with the soft-tissue expert Dr. Fernandez and he then refers me to the other in-house specialists if needed. I'm kind of a regular there. If you require a referral then start there. Maybe you can call it in and they'll just refer you straight-up. I didn't tear my hamstring but rather my proximal bicep tendon. It wasn't at the bone, the ends were too frayed too re-attach, so I now have a unicep. Every once in a while if I'm a bit low on electrolytes and I use my arms a lot, I may get a bit of cramping which I can't stretch out. They did go in to try to re-join the tendons but after cleaning up the frayed ends, there wasn't enough length. They just did some other clean-up (accromyon shaving and clean-up of cartilage in the socket). Is your hamstring balled-up? If you completely tore the tendon, you'll noticeably see it balled up. For me, when it happened, I had zero doubt about what just happened. I hear an internal pop, see a flash of light, then noticed the balled up muscle.
  21. I'd be in if starting from Red Horn. Also, what's the mountain bike equivalent of
  22. Why not a hitch lock? 1up doesn't give you one with it? At the least a hitch pin.
  23. Wow! I've had all those except for the one on the left with the wax cap. What is it?
  24. I just remembered, for some reason, I upgraded the front hub to a Ringle Hubba Bubba. I rode with toe clips and I took the BB apart (loose balls with no cage and extra balls) after every BC wet crossing. I guess I've had that Park crank extractor tool for close to 30 years now.
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