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Everything posted by AntonioGG

  1. I liked your post! It just needed a TL;DR section that just said "NO"
  2. This is a very interesting article. I know for low intensity you can burn mainly fat, but this guy's long hikes increased his fat burning even at maximum heart rate: https://getpocket.com/explore/item/this-is-what-happens-to-your-body-on-a-thru-hike
  3. Potential organ donors too.
  4. For folding doors, we got this and it worked great: https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Deluxe-Bi-fold-Door-Lock/dp/B001QKGLZQ/ref=asc_df_B001QKGLZQ/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198066152051&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16091941652650811763&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9059448&hvtargid=pla-392058274280&th=1 We've since gotten rid of the folding door and I think I donated the locks, otherwise I'd let you have them.
  5. Found this out in the SATN. Everything was dry but this one trail that was very overgrown with tall gras so we couldn't see the dirt. Just a couple of wheel revolutions and we had mud stuck on our tires, then just dismounting and backtracking got some more dirt on our tires.
  6. Not such a thing when you're in France! Get it cheap while you can. I'm convinced they keep the best stuff for themselves.
  7. Wow! That's a copperhead? I guess I've seen lots of copperheads at RHR then.
  8. Holy shit! I was about to post that you're messing with us! I even zoomed way in. The first thing that caught my eye was the tail, then I saw thee rest of it. These are like the ones I've seen at Rocky Hill Ranch.
  9. Same here, I cannot picture AB yelling at people like that. I think you've assumed he was the one you had that very negative interaction with. Or maybe like my sons, you have a different definition of yelling to mean using a stern tone of voice. I've yelled at people with unleashed dogs but that's usually when they're lunging at me or my dogs and the adrenaline is flowing.
  10. Pace Bend: green snake on a bush close to that rocky tricky g-out that always seems to get Houstonians to dismount (I know that doesn't narrow it down at PB). BCGB: Epic and vicious, nature at its most fierce a garter (yellow and orange striped) fighting a coral snake. There were multiple strikes. I watched for 10 minutes, didn't have a camera (before smart phones) but some girl stopped and took video. Another girl stopped to watch it with me. I could never find the girl with the camera even after she'd said she would share the video. Muleshoe: rattlesnake almost on the exit of the trail back to the trailhead. It was crossing the trail. Seemed at lest 5ft long. I sat there and wondered what it was until I saw the black and white rings and the rattle. Rocky Hill: TONS of rat snakes. The light brown ones with the pattern on them. My house: Texas rat snake, got tangled into netting, we captured it and took it to the wildlife rescue, we wanted it back but they don't do that. We had rats living under the deck so that's probably why it was hanging out. I think some other snakes have taken care of the rats b/c I haven't seen any in a long time. We've also seen coral snakes. I had to kill one because it was heading to the neighbors front yard and they had a toddler at the time that played on the front yard. I felt horrible doing that. I've seen dead corals on the road close to my house, by the mailbox and around the neighborhood. I'm not sure if it's from people putting down pesticide or what. Brushy: rat snake on Picnic Thumper: green snake Road Ride: Cow Patty Classic, we saw 5-6 rattlesnakes on the road, some had been run over, some were just sunning themselves I guess. Swimming at Lake Travis: we saw a water snake right next to where we were. Our colleague who is well versed in flora and fauna told us it was not a poisonous snake (had round pupils). We believed him 🙂 I fully assume that on any trail ride, there may be 5-6 snakes that see me but I don't see them.
  11. I forgot to mention, part of my experiences that sent me to the ER ended up being panic attacks. I'd never had one before then. Whatever was irritating my vagus nerve with the reflux was causing me to panic. Then I kept thinking the worst thing which would feed back onto itself. I watched my HR go from 70 to 150 very fast when I put my HR strap before going to the ER. If you guys watched the Sopranos and you watched/heard Tony S describe what his panic attack felt like, I'd never seen it more perfectly described before or since: "It's like you have ginger ale in your head" is exactly how I would describe it. Also, the heartburn symptoms, I used to always wonder how people would confuse that with a heart attack, or a heart attack with heartburn. Now I know! So, reading up on all this 2 years ago would have totally triggered a panic attack, but now I'm able to deal with reading about this without having that issue. Now, smelling toast...I always go check if there's really toast!
  12. I did like this response though:
  13. That's what got me to the cardio 2x. This was always a single event, not a string of them. After all the tests, while in fluoroscopy they caught it. It turns out to be spontaneous reflux and it just gives a weird feeling in my esophagus/chest. My episodes were always tied with atypical heartburn. I had two ER trips within 2 weeks in two different states in addition to a whole bunch of tests before they figured it out. My HR has always gone high while working out...steady climb, not sudden jump. RHR as low as 45 and normal BP for me. My Dr. did recommend I keep up with salt intake and my brother (an M.D. who is an athlete as well) also told me to make sure I'm getting enough calcium. Oh yeah, after drinking milk all my life, it took this streak of problems for me to figure out I've grown to be lactose intolerant. That's what I used to drink if I thought I had heartburn!
  14. Does it define self balancing in the fore aft only or could it be interpreted side to side while being ridden?
  15. Good thing it wasn’t chainsaw trimming day. 🙂
  16. https://help.trainingpeaks.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017420092-Zones-Calculator-Overview
  17. This is interesting. What is the distinction between a scooter and a one wheel? Why isn’t a Lyme scooter considered an EPADM? What if I have a privately owned scooter? I would also think a Segway would cause a lot of rutting but you don’t seem to mind them if I interpreted your post correctly (apologies if I didn’t) This is where we may have our disconnect.
  18. I remember riding townlake trail to the dam and back, Shoal Creek trail, and even the BCGB main trail dropping in at Spyglass. I even have video of Cody dropping it at the skate/bike pool:
  19. I have an Ergon pack for big rides, have an old Camelback MULE, and just got an Raptor 10. I love the Raptor 10 but I avoid it if I have to. Recently, my addition of the dropper post meant I couldn't use my saddle bag or Backcountry race strap, so I'd started using the backpack more to carry my stuff. That's fine for 3 hour rides, but too much for 1-2 hour rides. I just picked up a Backcountry Research Mutherload frame strap and I love it. I also will carry a bottle in my back jersey pocket if I need extra water on my FS (it has a 2nd bottle mount on the outside of the DT but I have not put a cage on it). On my hardtail, I have two bottle mounts so that's less of an issue. I can't see myself getting a small hip pack because it won't be useful in long rides, and I will not (don't want to) wear it for short rides.
  20. I've been reading about Lennard Zinn's heart for a while. It's the reason he rides an e-bike now. It's a worry of mine considering the racing and training I do. I'm 47 and still hit 182bpm when I ride hard or train hard. For endurance racing though, the avg is way lower. I've gotten two stress tests with echo cardiograms and everything's good. Maybe getting started later in life (more serious riding starting at 37) makes a difference.
  21. I see it as knocking the uppity off them, making them better adults.
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