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Tree Magnet

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Everything posted by Tree Magnet

  1. This might be the only DJ bike to ever be attached to a trainer. Maybe you can use the trainer to practice manuals or something?
  2. Meters disappearing?! That’s rich. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I don't see how this is a solution to the people living on Scottish Woods. People will still get to the park there after they fork over their money but now more people will treat it like a public parking lot instead of a private street.
  4. I don’t mind riding in the heat but I don’t like the thought of running out of water. Not having water fountains available and not wanting to go into convenience stores if I can help it has really cramped my style. I’m doing evening rides and trying to find as much shade as possible. I’ll probably do a few morning rides if the humidity comes down. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. This is where I sit. Any other position opens us up to a wide variety of theories from aliens to Disney princesses. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Who's in charge of telling everyone to use topics with every update?
  7. Dude...that's sweet! If it was maintained and I could get to it from my phone, I'd be all over that. A simple green or red is all I'm generally looking for when it comes to a trail conditions report.
  8. I hear you Cody but look at the reality of their world. Adults fight about wearing masks. The president conducts politics via twitter and tantrums. Police officers kill people on camera. The single most influential figure in global environmental issues is a Swedish teenager. It’s F’d up. Our generation is failing them and they need leaders. They don’t all have the option of not growing up too fast. It sucks but at least they are involved and not oblivious. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I asked my three school age kids if they wanted to go back to school or stay home and do the online thing. All three (8th, 10th, 12th grade) said they wanted to go back to school. That doesn't mean that we're sending them back into a room with a bunch of other mouth breathers but they're opinion counts. Staying healthy and covid free is important but so is learning. If we can't make the online thing at home work, we start to run out of options.
  10. Bread nerd alert! I freaking love bread but my waist doesn't appreciate it. The smell of sourdough bread cooking or fresh nan or a fat homemade tortilla is amazing. Damn you both!
  11. On one hand, I agree that 8-10 yr old boys shouldn't be talking politics. On the other hand, they are engaged and paying attention and that gives me hope.
  12. This is definitely an extreme example but let's run with it. I think that most humans would tell the world to fuck off if they had to die or live life in a lab to save the rest of humanity. However, back off the extreme case and see what happens. If I had to give blood once a month and it would save 1M people each time, I'd do it. If I had to wear a mask when I go outside and it could save 1 person, I'd do it. If I had to walk everywhere instead of drive and it would make the air cleaner so asthmatics could play disc golf, I probably would still end up driving most of the time. Dick move? If you're an asthmatic disc golf player or you know one, yes. There is definitely a sliding scale as you've mentioned before but the math is different for everyone. There is an argument to be made that giving blood right now saves lives but not all of us give blood on a regular basis (me included). I'd like to be a better human and make that small sacrifice on a regular basis but I don't because of all the things that go with giving blood (needles, nurses, no exercise after, etc.) I should totally redo the math on that equation and I know that I'd be giving blood more often.
  13. I'm done with this argument. I don't understand what you get out of it and I sure as hell don't get anything out of trying to explain my side. No one is convincing anyone of anything in this thread. You do you man.
  14. I gotta say that it sounds like you guys are trying to do it right. The contact tracing and limiting exposure looks like an example of how it should be done. We still haven’t started our kids back doing gymnastics or climbing but eventually we’re going to have to find a risk level that works for us. Right now, it just feels like the spread is just too rampant and the risk is too high so we’re sitting out a while longer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I hear you ATXZJ but I don't have such a pessimistic view of the future. Sure, things suck now and they're going to suck more tomorrow but what about the day after that? Do you REALLY believe that this left/right battle is the end of everything we know? Even the big corporate machine out there needs people to spend money so they can make money. Even corrupt politicians have to live in the world they create and their kids and grandkids will someday inherit. I don't see civilization augering into the ground. Maybe I'm just putting on blinders but I know that there are some things I can influence and some things that I cannot. Focusing on the negative will pull me down emotionally and that isn't healthy or helpful to anyone trying to solve these problems. If we all believe that we can't solve these problems and there is no point in trying, guess what? There is no point in trying. However, I think that we can solve them and I'm not going to succumb to the negative hype out there. It's just as bad as the 'life will go back to normal' hype. If there is a massive asteroid heading towards the planet, looking up at it and cussing about how everything sucks is not how I would want to spend my last breath. I'd rather be working on the spaceship to Mars or riding my bike on some sweet single track. Either of those options are productive and I wouldn't want that time back. That's just me I guess.
  16. I listened to it. It sounded like a politician trying to tell a medical doctor that a senator knows more about a pandemic than the global healthcare community. It sounded like a politician doing what they do and playing to their base while trying to discredit someone who has been the opposite of a political tool. Fauci is not the enemy here. I appreciate that he doesn't sugar coat the problem but he doesn't go all gloom and doom. Attacking him is stupid IMO.
  17. These are good points and it got me thinking. Should we mask up when the flu is raging and people are getting sick? Yes. We probably should. Is it okay to sneeze on someone if you think you have a common cold that really isn't that big of a killer? No, it's not. For me, it's an obvious fact now that the flu or possible even the cold is not as prolific at spreading or as mysterious as to what it actually does to people. I've had the flu a couple of times and it sucked but it was a known quantity. I didn't get my kids or family sick when I had it and after a couple of miserable days, I was on the mend. I also never worried that I was going to die or get someone else sick and they would die. Should I have worried? Maybe so but the medical community, my doctor, and my research told me that I just needed to use common sense and I wouldn't be a threat to society. What's different now? This is a global pandemic that is impacting everyone on this planet. I don't know what this virus would do to my body and unless you've had it, you don't know what it would do to yours. Odds are decent that we'd recover but odds are also good that we would spread it to at least one person. They would then spread it and the cycle would continue. We will eventually learn more about this virus and perhaps it will become synonymous with the flu or a cold.
  18. That is bad ass! Fake discs seems like such a better approach than fusing together something that evolution worked so hard perfecting at to allow motion.
  19. Once the asps show up, I’m parking the bike for a bit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I think that we’re arguing precisely because the survival rate is ALMOST 100%. It’s that few percent that represent people that one side cares deeply enough about that they will sacrifice comfort and their good looks to protect. The other side of that argument, they will happily sacrifice that percent on the altar of freedom. By the way, this is OUR country and we’re all lucky enough to be here so we can have these dissenting opinions and discuss them in the open like this. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. There is nothing better than an old dog. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I did a road ride and several hours and it didn’t bother me. It was like a light fog in the distance. I’m sure it’s some sort of killer dust or something but I needed a ride so I braved it. In fact, I’m going out again here in a bit. Trails are probably still either too wet or too crowded so I’ll explore some urban paths. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. That just means that you sent it! Badge of honor my friend. Sucks when things break but when they break doing cool stuff, it doesn’t hurt nearly as bad. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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