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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2020 in Posts

  1. How many of you are now "working" from home? I'm home all the time but my wife normally isn't, but now she is. So "we" are going just a bit stir crazy. It reminds me of the Twilight Zone episode where the guy likes to read but doesn't like people. The apocalypse comes and now he has "Time Enough at Last" to do what he wants, but he breaks his glasses he needs to read, meaning he is now unable to do what he wants. So here we are sitting at home with time to ride but the stupid rain is preventing it. grrrrrr.
    4 points
  2. That's pretty cool Crazyt and every option to ride is appreciated. I just want to highlight that last line for anyone that hasn't been out there (me included). The LAST place that anyone wants to end up is a hospital but this is especially true right now. Know your ability, ride below that level, and don't take chances. The world will be here tomorrow and Cat Mountain won't be any less cool when things are a little less stressed in the medical world. Breaking something while riding during normal times sucks but there are generally plenty of beds and doctors to go around. Doing it when either of those are in short supply borders on selfish.
    3 points
  3. I just got charged 3k at senton hosp er for them to read an xray I had taken somehere else, inmobilize my finger and give me a referral. Seems totally absurd. I am with chief
    3 points
  4. I think you are both saying the same thing. The system is f%*&ed up. The real issue is lack of transparency. There is zero transparency on either costs or outcomes. This is not the fault of the medical people busting their asses. This is the fault of the lobbyists for private insurance. In England, I had a customer that did regular ratings for every doctor on every procedure. If you need a surgery you can see how many they have done, how many have been done in the country and the outcome percentages for both the doctor and the country in general. Oh, and the cost to you (typically $0 because of NHS). Just try that here. Can't be done. It is amazing that the consumer is "object" in the transaction, the insurance provider is the "customer" and the insurance provider is also setting the prices and terms for the provider.
    2 points
  5. Damn! This is great/not so good news! I don't really "need" another bike. This information will gnaw at my brain like a beaver on meth. OK, gotta go! *googles Salsa website* Update: OK, so I went to the Salsa website and OH! MY! GAWD! They have a single speed gravel bike called The Stormchaser. Then somehow I got distracted by watching old SNL The Californian skits. So, back to Salsa now.
    2 points
  6. Downtown was a ghost town. Got in 22 miles today.
    2 points
  7. The fr 512 membership comes with liability insurance which is why I require people who ride cat to have a membership. It also reduces traffic a bit. While we have the mandatory quarantine I wanted to open the trail up to people without a membership so people can get rides in. It dries pretty quickly because it is all on steep slopes. It is an extremely difficult trail and it is very easy to get hurt.
    1 point
  8. If I wanted to sell off some of my guns. Prices are double what they were a month ago. But... Panic buyers tend to be people that aren't normally into guns. The have probably never owned any firearms, and almost certainly have never spent any time training. I'm not going to be responsible for putting a firearm in the hands of someone that has no idea what to do with it. A quick $5K profit isn't worth it, even though I could replace them in a couple months.
    1 point
  9. My only debt is a small amount on my house.
    1 point
  10. I had a Twilight Zone moment yesterday in a Randalls supermarket... Over the PA system there was an announcement regarding the elderly with immune systems problems and the specific instructions regarding how Randalls is dealing with them. Nothing wrong with it... It was just a topic you'd not heard before and delivered in that futuristic dead tone robotic delivery like you'd hear on old sci-fi shows. And what made it more like that was a young worker in the aisle using one of those hand label checkers that made a kind of loud multiple beep sound. It was just one of those weird moments.
    1 point
  11. Looks different right now. This is before I added the Kickr.
    1 point
  12. You can actually get the Salsa Journeyman specified with flat bars. There are options out there for you!
    1 point
  13. Wheatsville on Guadalupe has excellent fresh guac.
    1 point
  14. Okay...since we all happen to have some free time indoors lately (rain, virus, etc), I’m trying to learn to play an instrument. It will be my “Covid 19” skill since trying a flat spin 360 on my bike would end me up in a hospital. They don’t need me there right now. Anyway, I have my son’s ukulele and I’m trying to learn cords. Is that the right way to do it? Where do I start? Lay down some wisdom so I can end up in this feed playing something awesome. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  15. I just returned from a family trip to the Bentonville area. My daughter and her boyfriend had just departed on what was supposed to be an extended trip in their recently converted Sprinter Van. So my wife and I, our son, and his best friend drove up to meet them at Devil’s Den State Park, southeast of Bentonville. It was cold and rainy and the park was mostly deserted. We rode the trails and camped two nights there. It was very beautiful but almost no trees had budded out yet. After a couple of days of tent camping there we broke camp and headed to our B&B destination in Bentonville. On the way we went to Hobbs State Park to ride as it was the only place that the locals deemed rideable because of the rain. We rode Little Clifty and had a great time. It was wet in places but not muddy and there were some really fun downhill segments that our group loved. The following day (after another night of rain) we rode a portion of the Back 40. It too was really wet but not very muddy. We had started the ride late in the afternoon to give it time to dry out a little and finished in the dark. Everyone was so lit up with the trails and the shared adventure! It was a great trip despite a metric shit-ton of rain and the haunting pandemic developments. We managed to stay away from other people to a great extent, other than gas stations and a grocery run. Our age range was 19 - 62 and everyone had a blast.
    1 point
  16. Basically about the same amount of traffic as me then.
    1 point
  17. Sweet ride! Jealous of the yellow 650b. If you’re ever wanting to swap out for a 700c wheel set keep me posted!
    1 point
  18. Yea, these are the Spyres. I’ve adjusted twice since buying, just because the wear, but nothing surprising. I think that’s just the nature of mechanical brakes. I imagine better pads would help by prolonging wear.
    1 point
  19. Running 2.1 Crossmarks.
    1 point
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