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Everything posted by AntonioGG

  1. I guess they kept that same Eurosport commentator for the DH. He is soul sucking and his cadence is annoying. At least on the XC side it’s better and they kept Bart Frentjens on GCN. I expect it will be the same for the euro feed on flo sports.
  2. That's pretty awesome! Interestingly I don't own the original album and it's not my favorite, but I just recently streamed it like last week!
  3. This made me think of @sherpaxc and @CBaron riding I think the EE on a tandem?
  4. Father son project. 1990 Smurf Miata restoration: clutch, clutch hydraulics, shocks, shock mounts, rear main seal (as you should if you do the clutch), cam angle sensor I-ring (super common top end source for oil leaks), shifter bushings, paint touch up, seat upholstery change. Yes in this heat with no AC in the garage. We took this past weekend off.
  5. Looks like Flo Sports. https://www.flobikes.com/events/11001660-2023-uci-mountain-bike-world-championships
  6. In my back yard. This was a few minutes after discovering a rat, a nest behind my tool shed, and the smell of rat urine in said shed. I fully encourage predators in my yard. We have owls and hawks too (which is why we have to scan for them before we let our ratchihuaxypekapoo dog).
  7. Make sure to only cut what you're allowed to cut. The ends on CF bars have extra reinforcement for clamping stuff to. If you cut too far you risk clamping on areas that were not meant to have clamps.
  8. That guy's woodworking videos are awesome btw.
  9. I wish my oldest was out of high school. This would be perfect for him while he figures what he wants to do.
  10. Oh yeah? Amateurs… Here’s my orange box (I wish)
  11. I'll be there around 6pm or so with sausages and GDMF low carb tortillas.
  12. Is everyone riding with back/hip packs or is anyone still riding with bottles for the R&I?
  13. You are brave clicking on that in Urban Dictionary.
  14. Yep. Happened to me. Cleveland Steamer... (it's not about trains)
  15. I hate the horse flies too. I was bitten >20 times once at Emma Long through my bibs. I had nightmares about that for a while.
  16. I looked at this when I was weighing where to move to next...I looked at "MTB" places. Maybe some have nice trails a drive a way, but my criteria was being able to do something like the EB, and not many places would qualify.
  17. I grew up in Mexico, one city (Sa Luis Potosi) had nice weather, the other (Monterrey) had extreme weather. We never had AC in a car (with vinyl seats too) until 1987 a year after moving to SA. Temps in the 40’s (Celsius) were common in the summer. Then I never had AC in my own cars until I graduated college and bought my first new car in 1996. I’d commute from Richardson to north Dallas for my summer internships, and proceeded to completely strip down as soon as I got home (lived alone.) lately I’ve been spending my weekends in the garage with nothing but a fan. It’s definitely been building my tolerance.
  18. Not as late. Those climbs are long and slow so I was able to forward some of that. Pretty exciting and as Phil Gaimon has said, it’s great seeing these guys have bad days like normal human beings instead of being able to attack every day like when he was racing.
  19. No kidding! Usually I forward quite a bit. Couldn’t forward through a lot of this and here I am past 1:30am…worth it!!!
  20. We're watching Endeavour season 9 (final season) is on. Only 3 episodes but so good especially after having watched Morse.
  21. I am a regular follower of the F1 season and the Tour. I just couldn't stand the manufactured drama in Drive to Survive, so I'm not even going to Unchained, though I hope it gets more current non-followers into it!
  22. I feel the same. I have researched temp probe pills to track core temp because I would love to have that data. I could just stop and take a sublingual temp I guess.
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