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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/2018 in Posts

  1. Meanwhile......Electric scooter show extended extra week. :p
    4 points
  2. Nope. Let me put on my economics hat for a second (since I use my degree about twice a year these days). Scooters operate in a different economic sphere. The real danger to bike shops are wives and children. Scooters compete with walking, taxicabs, buses, and ride share. All of these are essentially zero investment activities on the front end with varying degrees of flexibility - mass transit is cheap, per-ride consumption, but are fixed in route/time. Scooters, taxis, and ride share are more expensive but more flexible from a timing and route perspective. Bikes compete with cars: some investment on the front end and ownership costs. Cars have less flexibility and also incur parking costs. Bikes will compete with self-purchased scooters (not Bird or Lime but the ones you can buy, own and maintain yourself.) The reason that bike shops are in danger of children is that people spend a lot of money on bikes when they are single. But if they marry a non-biker, that revenue stream either stops or is greatly diminished quickly. Then children come along and there is not enough time. So mid-20's through early 40's you probably see a huge drop in bike shop spending that then kicks in as the kids are self-sufficient or divorces kick in (yeah, dark thought but let's face it, economists don't care about such things, just the facts.) If I were a bike shop owner and I had money to throw around on lobbying and trying to juice the market, I would invest in the following: Propose legislation to make Tinder, Match and the rest of the online dating sites more difficult to use Invest in Trojan and other condom manufacturers Lobby to make divorce easier to execute Lobby to increase the cost of marriage licenses Notice that scooters aren't on that list. Shops only compete with purchased scooters and in that domain as a shop, I'd probably start carrying a scooter line as it can be complimentary to the bikes I am already selling.
    3 points
  3. Probably the last update before the meeting - I will be there. I speak in support of the revised plan. The major issues have been worked out. It is not a perfect document but I think it is fair. I will thank the BCP staff for all of their work. This is a working relationship I hoped for but thought would never happen. It is a Christmas miracle. I invite anyone and everyone to come to the meeting. But it is not anywhere near as important to have a large number of supporters/speakers as it is when we are opposing something. Come on down if you have something to say or just want to watch. But don't cancel other plans or take vacation time for this meeting. We might need you at a later meeting.
    3 points
  4. So this is my first post in these new forums. I like it. Actually Cody, I was just talking with some friends about tandem bikes today at lunch and I had mentioned that I had done a race with one. I didn't even know this was up. Really REALLY strange timing. That's a day I'll never forget. Fun times.
    2 points
  5. Hard to say. Once the machines collectively decide to start killing, it will happen very quickly. This scooter thing just furthers our reliance on the machines, making it that much easier for them to destroy us. It will happen so quickly, we won't see it coming. You: "Hey Alexia, what's the weather going to be like today?" Alexia: "It's going to rain blood puny human."
    2 points
  6. I have 20 acres on johnny morris rd across from the Y just sitting there. Probably getting shit dumped on it. It is right across the street from the south walnut creek trail. One person tried and said there was too much poison ivy and it is really dense. Alternately if anyone wants to start a free range pig farm 🙂
    1 point
  7. I could have stayed in Washington state and seen less rain than this year....just sayin
    1 point
  8. Those are some great points. I've always looked at Sea Otter more like a side-show. I may need to dig in a bit deeper to see if has/can become something that could supplant IB? My job may benefit from me attending some of these events. Therefore, I'd like to jump back into this scene sometime this next year. -CJB
    1 point
  9. Ahhhh....I guess this may be why about an hour ago Travis asked me if I had our tandem cover photo. The date shows Feb 2010, when we did the Excruciation Exam together on the long bike. All the stuff they were commenting on in the video above is accurate. There's a T-O-N of partnership, trust, control/lack of control, communication, etc.. that goes on when aboard something 8 feet long, weighing in with a total of almost 400 lbs. The upside is that with enough horse power you can climb most anything. The traction is insane and you'll never loop-out. Same goes for going downhill. Its virtually impossible to endo a tandem (I knew 100% Seth & Phil would make that 'sketchy' decent). But the downside is that you can NEVER lift your front wheel over ANYTHING. Thus you simply just smash into any root, rock, ledge, etc.. But having a trusted partner is key. Being stuck on that machine with someone you don't work well with would be a nightmare. Its a testament to our friendship that Travis and I could spend 8hrs 40min on that beast that day.
    1 point
  10. They will go away after humanity is overtaken and enslaved by the machines. After all, why would a robot need an electric scooter?
    1 point
  11. As an international man of leisure I'd be willing to meet up for a beer and some surveying or shovel work.
    1 point
  12. This made me think of @sherpaxc and @CBaron what, 9 years ago?
    1 point
  13. Perfect! I'm a XS/S/XXL in helmet/shirt/penis size. Not really. I'm a solid S across the board.
    1 point
  14. Besides, it is already raining ... now's the time to buy new.
    1 point
  15. This pedal drive Kayak is really starting to payoff this year. Gone fishing
    1 point
  16. Good news all around - thank YOU again for taking up the charge and making strides in the right direction.
    1 point
  17. We need to...I mean, *someone* needs to find a way to hack all skooters or maybe an EMP that will disable all of them. They're probably all going to end up like the bikes in China.
    0 points
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