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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2022 in all areas

  1. Nice ride at Pedernales Falls today. I recently got a new waist hydration pack that doesn’t have room for a pump, so my pump was in my wife’s pack and she wasn’t with me. My back tire was at 8 psi at the beginning of the ride and I just told myself I would be careful and borrow someone’s pump if I ran into another rider. I only encountered one rider and he didn’t have a pump either. The ride was 14 miles long and included some of the Juniper Ridge trail and my low tire did just fine.
    2 points
  2. Saw two snakes this morning, a 3ish foot rat Snake, just before the bridge to Mulligan and one Rough Green Snake at the base of the waterfall by the YMCA.
    2 points
  3. I miss the Desert Fest and would like to do some group riding out there. Anyone aware of any groups heading out there in February that wouldn't mind some company? Would be happy to do 20-30 mile rides and possibly a longer ride with some proper planning. Thanks!
    1 point
  4. The kicker to the whale tail is an hour build. That should be easy enough. The dirt lander will take a machine to make a pile large enough, or I build it out of wood. Guessing riders would rather land on dirt like the rest of the jumps there. If i can source a skid steer for a weekend, I'll build out the lander for the Whale, and build up the landers on the rest of the jumps. The only possible issue I can see with a dirt lander after the Whale is the erosion and runoff is alot in that location. We'll just need to build it up and attempt to route the water. The first feature dropin could use a larger kicker at the end of it and the platform needs diagonal bracing for better strength. The next steep feature with short lander wants to be lower, and the lander extended out to deliver the rider into the wall with better momentum. And that wall needs a lander.
    1 point
  5. No worries. We ran through the entire site with a chainsaw, weed trimmer, and inspected the wood features. Any branches in the ride path are trimmed back and all grass on the jumps has been scalped. I have a good idea of what needs to be done on the wood features for better flow. And will plan out what kickers to swap out for new, and not had a chainring killer at the lip. The S Curve berm exit into the first kicker will want to be re-worked to better deal with the erosion. More skinnies would be cool. Will be calling a build day soon with plenty of time in advance.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Cool to see these guys have made it all the way up to Quebec City😎
    1 point
  8. IMO people really need to keep the paper-thin tires to the XC races, but maybe i'm biased by past tire trauma.
    1 point
  9. Working on my oldest's stamina. Was hoping for a cooler morning like earlier in the week.... Nope. We rode from the Harry Man end of the BCRT to the very end (or beginning depending on your perspective) at the YMCA. I had already had the bike rack loaded so my wife could make a pickup, was hoping to make it back to the sports park but she was convinced that she was done at the Y. Overall a great ride.
    1 point
  10. Hell yeah. Dale Ball is amazing! ...just steer clear of the south side, Picacho Peak trails unless you're in the mood for a real technical-climb beat down. This...over and over and over.
    1 point
  11. This trip has not sucked. Dale Ball trails, Santa Fe, NM.
    1 point
  12. My wife and I are staying in the national park Feb 7-12. I'd gladly go over to BBSP for a ride one day.
    1 point
  13. you probably need to buy him a new bike...
    1 point
  14. My 8 year old has pretty much hijacked all my riding time. He can kind of do the full walnut route, but prefers to just cycle log loops, powerline, and close with bmx. Then my oldest (13) started to join us. She cant quite hang with the 8 yo. And the 5 yo is now going as well which means I get stuck doing .6 and log loops only.
    1 point
  15. Saturday my ride plans were hijacked by my Son demanding to join me. So much for hitting big trails and miles. Instead we loaded up and went to Walnut. He did his own personal longest ride at 6.15 miles. Lots of sitting around to rest. But he had a great time. He's done Peddlers, but I think he liked .6 and some of the WC trails more. Will go back on a week day afternoon with less dog and foot traffic. He is super timid on going down stuff, but he has no problem climbing and picking solid lines going uphill. It was also a great opportunity for him to work on gear changes, so a win all around. After a good ride I went ahead and pulled the trigger on the start of a legit wheelset for him - 24" Velocity Dyad rims on Sun Ringle disc hubs. Should shave a couple lbs and let us throw the 1x9 set up on the bike. Pic from peddlers last month.
    1 point
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