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Tree Magnet

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Everything posted by Tree Magnet

  1. Faster until you have to do something other than go straight. Tree, rock, ledge, berm, etc. will change that math in a heartbeat. I think that a mtb rider would be faster on an emtb. However, if you aren't comfortable on a normal bike on the trail, an emtb will find your limits just that much quicker.
  2. That IS impressive. I can't even imagine cutting all those vegetables that thin and then trying to keep the pattern when putting together. "Red pepper, zucchini, green pepper, potato, squash, red pepper, zucchini, potato, green pepper.....DAMN! Start over!"
  3. I think that requiring reservations is their (city hall) first attempt at sustainable controlled access. It's free now but it would be super easy to add a fee once they get it sorted out. New revenue stream! I would much rather them designate the area a public space and allow the public to use it just like any other park. It seems like they are trying to solve a lot of different problems at the same time. The parking issue is real and should be solved. The unsafe gatherings during a pandemic issue is real and I'm not sure can be solved. The erosion issue is complete BS and yet they toss that in there as a reason. They could put up a fence to control access but that's expensive and they'd have to fight the homeowners AND the public. They could release a pack of wild hyenas in there and keep people out but lawyers might balk at that. This is the lowest cost and effort approach to possibly solve multiple problems. I understand but I also don't trust them that they will ever dismantle a reservation system once they get it established.
  4. I've used these for some simple wiring work. I'm not an electrician by any means but I think they work great. I know they use something very similar with some grease in them for sprinkler systems so I'm think robustness must be pretty good.
  5. Is that the bench in that little Georgetown subdivision off Booty’s crossing? We loved that place when my kids were little. You take some awesome pictures man. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Not trying to stir shit here but is the assumption being made that APD would have responded faster to a break in at MJs than they would to one at BSS or Peddlers? Are we now saying that not supporting the PD is better than supporting and then withdrawing that support? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Same here. The deal is that when you usually bunch up to the rider in front of you is when there is an obstacle or climb. When people hit those, they huff and puff to try and get the power to get over it. That's exactly what I'm trying to avoid riding through. For me, it's been too big of a risk to take for the reward. I've been doing a lot of solo riding and as much as it sucks, it beats bringing home Covid to the family that I'm asking to quarantine during a pandemic. I think that riding behind someone is going to give you very little exposure for a short time. However, when you ride behind them for a longer time, that small exposure suddenly becomes significant.
  8. They look like their CGI fans. I was also wondering if you have them cheer for the home team or if you have to make it neutral. Too much time on my hands I suppose. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Watch some baseball and you’ll not only hear the fake fans but you’ll see the ‘virtual’ fans in the stands. It’s nuts! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Nothing beats a floor pump but you’re space limited. My suggestion would be to get a good hand pump for the minor tuning of tire pressure. Anything more, find a good bike shop and use theirs. If you get to pick the location, it should have trails so it should have a good bike shop. Stop in, buy something, ask about the best trails, and top off your tires. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I think the Air BnB is the right way to go with kids. It’s also the best way to figure out what works and what doesn’t when it comes to traveling. Once you see if you like the lifestyle and pare down to the essentials, then you look at van or RV life. I know my wife wouldn’t go for van life but she lives living in other people’s houses. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. This sounds like an awesome adventure. A new town with new sights and people every few weeks! Cool!! Please keep us updated on how things are going. I’m interested in hearing how it feels to not have a ‘home’ base to reference as you hit all these new places. The kids will do great but the adults will need some adjusting. Good luck man. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. That thing looks sweet! I can’t imagine how you could ride it with the saddle that high but if it fits, it fits. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. You’re a good man AB loaning tools and it sucks that someone screwed you. Austin is big but the MTB community isn’t that big. Odds are with all the riding you do, you’ll run into him and hopefully this was all just a misunderstanding. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I think it’s amazing that these hacker groups can still get away with these types of attacks. If Garmin just said “...here’s $10M world. Bring me these hackers.” Could it be done? Is their kungfu that much better than the law abiding programmers out there? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Looks like Henry is pissed you didn’t get him a margarita. You guys be safe up there and have an awesome time in the mountains. Looking forward to riding with you again up there or down here or anywhere we happen to meet up. Good luck brother and congrats!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. That is painful to watch but I’m happy to see the new trail getting opened. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. This is included when I do big roadie rides. I generally take the EB route down to the lake and then the hike and bike path around to Longhorn dam. From there I head to Govalle park and pick up the WC path and take that all the way Decker lake. At this point you can get on Harris Branch (I think that's what it's called, it goes by the dump and AMD) and take it all the way to Howard. I then truck up Howard in the bike lane and end up back home. It's 50 miles and 90% of it is protected or well marked bike lanes with little traffic. Great ride in the winter (not too cold) but there are long stretches with no shade.
  19. The horse flies drove me out of St. Ed's last month during a trail run. I've never had that happen before but it was unbearable. PS. That is a beautiful snake. Those suckers are so hard to see in the leave clutter that it's hard to appreciate their markings.
  20. I thought that loss of smell was one of the symptoms! Maybe it should read "...you better get tested for COVID-19!"
  21. I think we threw too many variables at him. “Purple bikes also corner better when turning left.” Oh well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Cool thread idea. I like the lack of bike identification to keep it real. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I’m not sure that ad campaign would pass the #metoo movement bar. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Sorry for your loss AB. Sad reminder that each one of those numbers is a person with a family. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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