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Suburban Ninja & the Toro Grande Blvd. Extension


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On 7/28/2020 at 11:05 AM, WhoAmI said:

I saw this article on Community Impact, and it was the first time I saw the Toro Grande extension mentioned, so I googled more.   This article from May 10 has an embedded map on which you can zoom in.  I wonder how accurate the red line projection of the road is and where it will go in relation to the church.  Add to this area the extension of the Brushy Creek Trail, and this area will see some significant changes, though the impact on SJ is mostly unknown.




This road didn't make sense to me until I read this:


The $14.3 million Toro Grande Boulevard project will extend Toro Grande Boulevard from RM 1431 to Parmer Lane. By extending the road, the city will open inaccessible land to future development.

Via: https://communityimpact.com/austin/cedar-park-leander/transportation/2020/07/28/cedar-park-road-projects-see-mixed-funding-outcomes/

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22 hours ago, RedRider3141 said:


I'm not terribly familiar with the exact layout of SN trail.  But its the quote above that makes me think we will prolly loose much of what's out there at some point.  That said, there's also a chance that it may/can be reconfigured in some ways also.


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On 1/18/2022 at 10:32 AM, WhoAmI said:

Here's the page for the Brushy Creek North Fork Trail and an interactive map that shows the planned route.  While I know some are bummed about this trail's effect in SN, I'm looking forward to the connectivity and the opportunities for trail flow changes it might allow.

Am I correct that this North Fork Trail is not the same as the Toro Grande extension mentioned at the beginning of the post? The North Fork Trail appears to be for recreational use - like the one at Walnut - and basically connects the Red Horn parking to the Brushy Creek Trails.

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1 hour ago, TAF said:

Am I correct that this North Fork Trail is not the same as the Toro Grande extension mentioned at the beginning of the post? The North Fork Trail appears to be for recreational use - like the one at Walnut - and basically connects the Red Horn parking to the Brushy Creek Trails.

Correct, two major projects will affect the current area known as SN. 

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  • 8 months later...

They moved the website, also looks like the original Fall '22 start date is pushed back to Spring '23. Get out and enjoy SN before they change it!


The interactive map didn't move, but here it is again. 

I still don't quite see where this fits in with the Toro Grande Extension as they intersect each other. 

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  • 10 months later...

Thread resurrection - Regarding the Toro Grande Expansion I recently contacted City of CP works and they said there is no date planned to break ground for Toro Grande South is just conceptual and budgeted between 2023 and 2028, initial planning with no surveying even done yet. I am planning a new loop between Church and Deadwood and want to get at least a year out of it if I do the work. I am not expecting developers to start until the city builds the road extension. 

Given that New Hope extension is well underway a betting man would say the North extension of Toro Grande will be first, especially give that the Indigo Ridge development area has expanded and rezoning to include houses along the New Hope area has recently been proposed. 

Now, that said there is brand new survey marks on the derelict county road (178) between Toro Grande and Raley Road and the city crews recently cleaned up all the illegal dumping on other end of 178 by the Sanctuary - this latter part could have been advised by the Fire Dept/Forestry though in light of recent fires and that dumping could impede crews. 

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  • 3 months later...

Approved recently but no date yet, that's good, I'm really enjoying it lately. Looking forward to a new loop back there too. 😉


On 9/3/2023 at 11:36 AM, rugger said:

...I recently contacted City of CP works and they said there is no date planned to break ground for Toro Grande South is just conceptual and budgeted between 2023 and 2028, initial planning with no surveying even done yet...


I answered my own question...

  • A bridge structure as well as a connection to the Brushy Creek North Fork Trail


Edited by RedRider3141
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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 weeks later...

On another note, They logged out the dead/burned trees along the creek on TLC. I didn't make it to deadwood but I'm guessing it's been done or will be done. I understand why it's best to be done, but that section is feels very exposed now, no shade. 

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